Company News & Inventory Annoucements

Wire Southeast Asia 2013 Show Report

Posted by on Thu, Oct, 17, 2013

Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp exhibited at Wire Southest Asia in Bangkok from September 17th-19th. It was an opportunity to meet clients and agents in the ASEAN countries as well as clients from India, Middle East and Australia. The flow of visitors was steady and several discussions about new projects took place. The show attendance was better than two years ago. Rahul Sachdev, who is also President of WCISA, took part in the opening ceremony celebrations. The chief guest Mr. Nopparat Maythaveekulchai visited our booth after the opening ceremony to learn more about our product line offerings.

Wire & Plastic Machinery Wire Southeast Asia 2013

Wire Southeast Asia 2013 Ceremony

Wire & Plastic Machinery Wire Southeast Asia 2013

Tags: Wire Shows

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